This event has been cancelled for August 14th due to weather.
In-Person Virtual Learning Workshop
(3) 15 minute Interactive, hands-on Zoom Meeting sessions in English & Spanish
Social Emotional Learning and Wellness Resources
Distance Learning assistance for:
Zoom, Google Classroom, Class Dojo, and ParentVue in English & Spanish
Norfolk Public Schools (NPS) Site Resources
Community Chat:
Family Engagement; A Process, Not an Event
Norfolk Public Schools English as a Second Language (ESL) will be presenting interactive, hands-on mini sessions for Zoom, Google Classroom, Class Dojo, and ParentVue in English & Spanish followed by social emotional learning and wellness resources.
Quick information sessions with basic instruction and Spanish interpretation available on site, including real-time platform navigation and hard copy reference guides for families to take home.
Chat de la comunidad: Compromiso familiar; Es un proceso, no un evento
(3) Sesiones interactivas y prácticas de 15 minutos de Videoconferencias Zoom en inglés y español
Aprendizaje Emocional Social y Recursos de Bienestar
Asistencia a la plataforma de aprendizaje a distancia para Zoom, Google Classroom, Class Dojo y ParentVue con interpretación en español disponible, incluyendo navegación por plataformas en tiempo real y guías de referencia impresas
Asistencia en la navegación de recursos del sitio web NPS